Wednesday, December 14, 2016

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Image compression tool : Image Compression Tool ( Image compressor ): Using this free online  Image Compression  service, you can compress  and optimize your  image  files. Using the  Image compressor  service ...

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Finding Likes

What is SMM?
Social Media Marketing (SMM) is all about getting more traffic through social media websites. It majors on providing quality content to attract attention and encourage the audience to share this content with others on social media.

1.    Business Goals that are achievable, measurable and realistic.
2.    Potential customers
3.    Research
4.    Unique content
5.    Marketing Objectives
6.    Channels

In 2014, Hubspot revealed that 92% of marketers worldwide referred to social media as significant to their business. 97% of marketers today are engaging in social media.
Here are some of the many benefits of social media marketing:
1.    More website traffic.
2.    Better conversion rates.
3.    Improved customer service.
4.    Gaining customer loyalty.
5.    Increased brand visibility.
6.    No need of incurring advertising costs or setting promotional budgets.
7.    Improved search engine rankings.
8.    Better customer insights.

1)      Become active across allsocial media channels – make campaigns that spread across all your networks with trending unique content.
2)      Don't focus on gainingfollowers, build a growing community – a community is better because it pays needed attention to what you provide or share.
3)      Boost influencers pride- influencer normally have a large audience at their back and also they are more knowledgeable on their chosen niche. Here are some tips on how to get them looking at you:
1.    Research and create a list of potential influencers.
2.    Engage with their content by sharing it, liking it or even updating it.
3.    Ask them questions about something that has been launched or questions related to their niche - This makes them feel important and good.
4.    Engage in twitter chats – this helps your business grow or branch out more by getting new angles, authority and building robust relationships with influencers in your niche.

4)      Make sure you provide unique trending content- here are some ways to go about this:
                 - Check out news channels and see what's new pertaining to your niche.
                 - Comment on trending content.
                 - Use
 Buzzsumo to find great content.
                 - Search for relevant videos on youtube and share them. 
5)      Use effective social media platforms – These include:
1.    Twitter – Did you know that there are about 500 million tweets sent every single day? Definitely someone is bound to engage with you or share your content.
2.    Facebook – Do you know that Facebook has 1.23billion monthly active users? The audience is vast in numbers. Potential customers right at your door step.
3.    Google+ - this is a great social platform for social signals. When you post something on your niche and someone happens to search for something related to that on Google search, your post is likely to be on page one of the search results. Also if you have a large presence on Google+, a snippet of your profile will be revealed when someone searches for your business on Google search.
4.    LinkedIn – This social platform comprises of over 332million users. Best platform for B2B social maeketers.

6)      Make use of Facebook ads – they are fairly cheap and best of all, the audience is extremely targeted showcasing good results or conversions.
7)      Make sure your niche purpose is to solve a problem- normally this gets more conversions.
8)      Provide unique interesting content – again make use of videos and infographics (beautiful informative visual presentations).

Give it time and make sure you follow through the techniques, remember more customers, increased traffic and higher conversions. If you really want to get in depth and be a guru as a social media marketer, get a copy of a recommended resource here:

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Buying Likes and other Importance.

As competition becomes tougher, Accounting Firm Partners are looking for ways to promote and differentiate themselves to catch a potential client's attention.
A few years back, having a website about your Accounting Firm's practices was sufficient enough for an online presence. The emergence of Social Media has changed all that. Now it takes more than just a website to get noticed online, because the Internet is becoming very competitive. Recently, more and more Accounting Firms are considering this and have established their presence on Facebook, Twitter and have added icons for these social networking sites to their own websites.
But are there really benefits to using Social Media Marketing for an Accounting Firm Partner? Here are some of the most often heard objections.
1) "My Accounting Firm can't afford it."
One thing about Social Networking is that it is COST EFFECTIVE. Compared to traditional media, your accounting firm does not need huge marketing budgets since social media marketing is affordable which makes it extremely attractive. Many forms of social networks such as Blogs, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook can all be used at no cost making them a practical way to market your accounting services, build customer relations and establish expertise and authority in the field.
2) "I need to take out an advertisement, otherwise how will my clients find me?"
With the current state of technology and the wealth of information available, almost anyone will search for something, somewhere or someone via the internet before actually picking up the phone or stepping out of the house. Social media is EASILY AVAILABLE to anyone who has access to a computer and internet connection. Traditional media (which costs thousands of dollars) takes time to plan and execute. With social media, marketing updates can be done within minutes and be broadcasted through your network instantaneously. This is old fashioned "word-of-mouth" in a high tech manner.
3) "There is a new tax update and my clients need this information now."
One fantastic thing about social media is that it is FAST AND INSTANT. Once you have an established network of loyal followers, you can update them with what's new as soon as you click the "enter" button. News and updates coming from your Accounting Firm have the possibility to spread out quickly and far. Word of warning though, just as fast as good word about your Accounting Firm practice can positively impact your firm, a badly written message can spread as quickly and hurt the image of your firm as well.

4) "Accounting firms do not do social networking."
CPA Trendlines reports that, 88% of Accountants have an account on Facebook. A more detailed breakdown of social media participation and behavior of Accountants can also be checked there. Numbers don't lie. Accountants ARE already embracing social networking for reaching out, locating and connecting with friends, family, colleagues and target market.
5) "I don't know how and where to start."
With the hundreds of social sites to choose from, it is understandable that one gets confused by the choices available. Study and identify the networks where your competition is, then choose those that match your target clients and your brand. The three most popular Social Media sites currently are: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. These sites might be a good place to start.
Otherwise, a professional social marketing manager who understands and knows your business and target audience can help you get started.
You don't need a lot of friends to get into social media marketing. Nor do you need a lot of money. Unlike traditional media model of the marketer or your Accounting Firm telling the client what he needs. Social Media Marketing relies on your network of friends (whether they be 5 or 15 or 50) to recommend you and your services. What they say about you (through comments, blogs and posts) is key to building your credibility and success of your marketing efforts. The use of these tools can be used to create a positive perception of you and your firm. People have always looked for others to validate their choices and Social Media gives them the platform to do that.
Be active on your chosen social network. Post updates, leave comments, submit content and be friendly. Because in the end, WHAT OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN WHAT YOU CAN SAY ABOUT YOURSELF.
Barb writes articles of interest for Boost Accounting Referrals, to assist Accounting Firm Partners with Social Media questions and issues most relevant to their industry. In addition, she manages the team and works closely with clients, assisting to create and manage their firms social media strategy and online presence. Read more about Social Media for Accounting Firm Partners and post your comments on our blog.